Numeracy Team

Numeracy Team

Defining Numeracy

"Numeracy is the ability to process, communicate and interpret numerical information in a variety of contexts” (Askew 1997)"


Numeracy is the skill of applying mathematical concepts, processes and understanding appropriately in a variety of contexts in a real-life situation. Students will consider how children are likely to acquire and consolidate their mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills within the curriculum area of Learning for Mathematics and Numeracy and they will be given opportunities to transfer their understanding to other contexts across the curriculum.

In line with current research, children learn best through experiential learning before moving through the pictorial and abstract requirements of a modern numerical curriculum. Through this course, and during school experience, Students will focus on active learning and the role language plays in numeracy whilst also considering models of teaching from around the world. Students will develop a repertoire of classroom practices and models of good practice, to inform their own pedagogy. In today’s technological society students will be expected to engage with devices and digital models which enhance their creative thinking and problem-solving skills.


St. Mary’s Numeracy Team is committed to the following aims:

  • Ensuring that students have a substantial, flexible core of knowledge in Numeracy as well as an understanding of how to bring about learning so that children can best be helped to talk, listen, problem solve and be creative, and to apply this knowledge in the classroom.
  • Encouraging student teachers towards a richer conception of what Numeracy is–one that is rooted in an understanding of children as active participants in their learning and which brings to school myriad experiences and aptitudes.
  • Encouraging students to engage with new technologies in learning; exploring the adventure of virtual learning and using personal learning platforms to maximise student engagement
  • Developing student awareness of the content of the NI Numeracy curriculum
  • Engaging students in developing their own Numerical skills through initiatives and promoting self-direction in learning
  • Encouraging student teachers to explore the beliefs and values they hold about Numeracy with a particular emphasis on eliminating maths anxiety.
  • Developing students' awareness and helping them come to their own interpretation of current trends and expectations
  • Raising standards in Numeracy by setting high expectations of student teachers and providing them with a high degree of support.
  • Cultivating a passion for this rich and complex subject that will enable student teachers to generate excitement in learning in primary and secondary classrooms.
  • Educating students as thinkers, able to review research evidence and policy documents in an informed, critical and creative way.
  • Exploring a wide range of pedagogic approaches in Numeracy teaching with the support of reputable research.
  • Encouraging reflection of the range of different and often conflicting Numeracy practices observed in the schools in which students work during their training.
  • Helping students to meet the challenges of working with children with special educational needs and those children who may struggle with Numeracy.

Team Leader: Mrs Geraldine Parks

Associated Staff