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Partnership for School Experience


Working with Student Teachers

  1. The role of teacher tutor working with student teachers


    An experienced teacher tutor outlines her role in working with student teachers coming into her school.


  2. Teacher tutor initial meeting with students


    This video captures some of the key issues discussed in the initial meeting with student teachers – sharing expectations and raising students' awareness.


  3. Student teacher perspectives


    Three student teachers outline:

    • the information that they hope to get in their early visits to schools
    • some of the concerns they have on going into a school
    • how the teacher tutor in their school this year has helped them


Working with Beginning Teachers

  1. Teacher tutor working with beginning teachers


    An experienced teacher tutor describes her role working with beginning teachers.


  2. The induction process


    A brief description of the induction process and the file that beginning teachers produce


  3. Action planning with a beginning teacher


    A brief overview of a meeting between a teacher tutor and beginning teacher


  4. Classroom observation of a beginning teacher


    A short description of arranging classroom observation, recording and giving feedback


  5. What support is available for a beginning teacher?


    Emma describes her experiences of working as a beginning teacher and shares some of the strategies she has developed for coping with the first year as a teacher.