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Vision To inspire and develop highly-competent, reflective teaching professionals with a strong sense of moral purpose and a vocational commitment to the holistic development of their pupils and the improvement of society
FrameworkThe Memorandum of Agreement with Queen’s University BelfastThe Northern Ireland Curriculum and Learning Leaders Strategy for Teacher Professional LearningThe GTCNI Charter, Code of Values and the Competence Framework for the Professional Development of Teachers Partnerships with Schools and Key Stakeholders The College Corporate Plan and Subsidiary Strategies
Postgraduate Certificate
in Educational Studies
Postgraduate Diploma
in Educational Studies
Master of Education

Any combination of

modules from the Specialist

Options totalling 60 CATs

Comprises 120 CATs,

with at least 60 from

one Specialist Option

Comprises 180 CATs,

with 60 from a Specialist Option,

60 from a Disseration,

and any 60 CATs which include

a research methods module

Specialist Options

Curriculum Development and Primary Education

Developing Physical Education, School Sport and Coaching Science

Early Years Education

Effective Teaching

English and Literacy in the Curriculum

Irish and Irish-Medium Education

Leadership in Catholic Schools

Leadership for Learning

Pastoral Issues

Special Education

15,000-20,000 word


(EDC7038, 60 CATs points)

Named awards require 60 CATs from a nominated specialist option
All modules shown carry 30 CATs unless otherwise stated in brackets
Underpinning Ethos, Values, Attitudes and DispositionsCatholic Identity
The Catholic Intellectual Tradition,
Catholic Education and Catholic Social Teaching
Shared Education
Promoting respect, understanding and co‑operation with others
for a more pluralist and diverse society
International Dimension
Enriching the educational, social and cultural lives of students to promote a broader and more inclusive world view.