In The Picture — 18 December 2023

Christmas Blessings


Picture of Mary and Joseph looking to the manager where baby Jesus is lying.  There is a light under the manager, an ox in the background of the picture and the background itself is a night sky in a mixture of blues and greys with bright stars glowing in the sky.



St Mary's University College will close for Christmas on Thursday December 21st
and re-open on Tuesday January 2nd 2024.


Picture of a christmas tree in the background and a stained glass window with a bible and white candles in the foreground. On a panel to the right are the following words All this took place to fufil what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: Look the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and they shalll name him Emmanuel which means Gos is with us (Matthew 1:22-23)  With best wishes for a Christmas filled with very special blessings. Beannachtai na Nollag