St Mary's marks fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome

19 March 2007

To mark the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the (March 1957) Treaty of Rome a series of events have been planned for St Mary's University College.

Tuesday, 20th March 2007
Presentation on the historic 1951 Wilhelm Furtwangler performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, the 'Ode to Joy'
Venue: Assembly Hall, 1pm.

Wednesday 21st March 2007
Erasmus Lecture, 'European Integration and the Treaty of Rome' Dr Gerard McCann
Venue: LT2 12-2pm

Thursday 22nd March 2007
Lecture, 'The Three Dimensions of European Cultural Identity', by Dr Angela Vaupel
Venue: LT1 11-12pm

Thursday 22nd March 2007
Showing of Rossilini's 'Open City' with introduction by Dr Angela Vaupel
Venue: Assembly Hall 1-3pm

Thursday 22nd March 2007
Eurovision: Competition for Erasmus Students - Social Event
Venue: Student's Union 7.30pm

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