Visit by College Principal from Uganda

4 October 2007

During a recent vacation in Ireland, Fr Odubuker Picho Epiphany, Principal of St John Bosco Primary Teachers College, Lodongo, visited St Mary's University College. Motivated by the high standard of teaching he observed in local Primary Schools, he wanted to find out more about the way such teachers were trained and wished to establish links between St John Bosco College and St Mary's.

Upon visiting the college, Fr Epiphany had the opportunity to audit both lectures and tutorials, explore the work of the "Global Dimension in Education", learn about the work of student support in the "Writing Centre" and make a short presentation to the students on the context of "Teaching in Uganda".

He was very impressed by our level of student mobility through the Erasmus and BEI projects and expressed a desire to find ways in which our two colleges could learn from the experience of each other.

Fr Epiphany was particularly interested in the college MEd programme as a means of providing continuing professional development for teachers and looked forward to introducing similar programmes upon his return to Uganda.

For further information on St John Bosco PTC see:

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