St Mary's Contributes Expertise in Academic Writing

12 December 2007

Mr Jon Worley and Dr Matthew Martin of the St Mary's Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning were recently guest speakers at the University of Limerick's Writing Research Forum.

The theme of the event was "Research on Writing Practices:Consequences for the Teaching of Writing and Learner Outcomes". Also present at the event as a guest speaker was Professor Ken Hyland of the Centre for Academic and Professional Literacies, part of the Institute of Education at the University of London.

"This symposium was an excellent opportunity to make connections with like-minded colleagues in the Limerick region," said Dr Martin. "The University of Limerick, Mary Immaculate College, the Limerick Institute of Technology and the Tralee Institute of Technology - working together as the Shannon Consortium - demonstrated through this well-attended event a profound collective commitment to supporting their students in improving the quality of their academic writing and critical thinking. We were delighted to be able to contribute to their work and came away with a number of project proposals which we plan to pursue jointly with members of the consortium."

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