Global Dimension in Education Certification Ceremony

20 May 2008

Thirteen St Mary's BEd 3 students were awarded a Global Dimension in Education Certificate on 14th May 2008. Global Dimension Committee members Teresa Cash, Gerard McCann and Stella Murray presented the certificates and thanked each for their commitment and hard work in relation to this major component of the Northern Ireland Curriculum.

Students receive Global Education Certificates

The thirteen successful BEd3 students are: Amy Montague, Caitrin Carson, Catherine Hughes, Catherine McGonagle, Emma Donaghy, Louise Mimnagh, Mairead McGilloway, Kathleen McKinney, Fiona Savage, Lorraine Matthews, Mairead Higgins, Clare Mulhern and Cherie Dobbin.

Students receive Global Education Certificates

The aim of the Global Dimension Certificate is to develop and assess students' knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes in relation to the main Global Dimension concepts. These include Global & Local Citizenship, Peace & Conflict Resolution, Diversity, Human Rights & Social Responsibility, Interdependence, Equality & Social Justice, Sustainable Development, Values & Perceptions and Poverty Reduction. In doing so, students are encouraged to take responsibility for bringing the Global Dimension into their current and future teaching practice. This is done through the completion of a portfolio of evidence demonstrating that they can appropriately address the key concepts in their teaching. The certification process includes use of the Global Dimension Resource Office, accessing of information on lesson plans and schemes of work at the Global Dimension section of the St Mary's website, consultation with staff, and final portfolio evaluation.

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