Meeting on STEM Review

30 May 2008

The Principal, Peter Finn along with colleagues in the Technology and Design Department, Kieran McGeown and Paddy Bradley, held a meeting with Dr Alan Blair, Programme Manager for the STEM Review (NI) Committee, and Aidan Hill, on Wednesday 28 May.

The purpose of this meeting was for Dr Blair to give an overview of the progress that the STEM Review has made to date and to inform the College of the proposed recommendations of the Committee.

Meeting on STEM Review

The Principal outlined the position of the College with regards to the overall STEM review and in particular his vision of how St Mary's University College would be able to make a vital contribution to the provision of CPD for teachers within Northern Ireland.

Kieran and Paddy also informed Dr Blair of the programme offered to the Technology and Design undergraduates of St Mary's and outlined the contribution that the St Mary's graduates are capable of making to the enhancement and enrichment of STEM subjects within schools.

It was agreed that the College would forward their recommendations relating to the STEM Review to Dr Blair for consideration by the STEM Review Committee.

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