Chengelo Award Ceremony - 1 July 2009

6 July 2009

Student teacher Ciaran McShane, who will graduate this week, was presented with The Chengelo Award for his contribution to International Solidarity through the Global Dimension in Education on Wednesday 1st July 2009 at St Mary's University College, Belfast.

Chelengo Award 09

This award was established to recognize the outstanding contribution by students of St Mary's University College to the Global Dimension in Education. It is supported by TrĂ³caire.

The Global Dimension in Education initiative at St Mary's aims to increase students' knowledge and understanding of the eight concepts of the global dimension: Global Citizenship, Interdependence, Social Justice, Human Rights, Diversity, Conflict Resolution, Sustainable Development, and Values and Perceptions, while enabling them to incorporate global issues into their learning with confidence and conviction.

The word 'Chengelo' means 'Light' in Bemba, one of the regional languages of Zambia. The title was chosen by the children of Kabweza Orphanage which has links with the College. The award symbolises the key values of solidarity, empathy and respect for our shared humanity.

During his time in St Mary's, Ciaran played an important role in raising awareness of international development issues. He has been active in co-ordinating the work of Friends of Africa since arriving at the College in first year and has been to work with some of the most vulnerable communities in Sub-Saharan Africa on an annual basis. He helped establish the College's Global Group, made up of students who were involved in taking action on issues such as climate change and poverty.

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