St Mary’s hosts HEA Seminar

23 May 2011

On Friday 27 May the College is pleased to host a seminar in the Higher Education Academy's Seminar Series entitled 'Listening to students: case studies of development through engagement with students'.

In the seminar, three St Mary's staff will present case studies of projects designed to give students a voice, to listen to their feedback and to develop provision as a result. One project was aimed at all first year students across our BEd and BA (Liberal Arts) programmes, the second looks at how second and third year students are shaping what they do on the Work Placement aspects of the BA Liberal Arts programme, the third looks at how the feedback from fourth year students in a specialist option on the BEd programme has led to developments in the course. There will also be an opportunity for participants to discuss their own experiences in this area and to share ideas and good practice.

Further information can be obtained from the Higher Education Academy website.

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