'Team Fit' Graduation

15 July 2011

St Mary's University College and the Ulster Council GAA jointly organised the second annual Presentation of Awards for coaches who completed the 'Team Fit' course in 2011.

Team Fit Presentation of Awards

'Team Fit' is a relatively new programme for Gaelic games with eleven modules of study including consideration of strength and conditioning, psychology, nutrition, hydration and flexibility. It is held at St Mary's University College over a period of eight months.

Certificates were presented by the Principal of St Mary's, Professor Peter Finn and the Ulster Council's Director of Coaching, Dr Eugene Young.

Dr Young spoke of the importance he attached to translating learning on the course into the preparation of Gaelic games teams. Professor Finn focussed on the importance of inculcating positive attitudes and values in the Gaelic games, including building community.

Paddy Tally, Ryan Mellon and Paul McFlynn were commended on their role in delivering the 'Team Fit' course in 2011.

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