Aisling Bursaries

15 September 2011

Dr Stephen Farry, Minister for Employment and Learning, congratulated successful students at the annual presentation ceremony of the Aisling Bursary initiative on 13 September 2011.

Speaking at the ceremony in St Mary's University College, the Minister said:

"The continued support of local businesses and individuals in assisting people from the local community to progress to further and higher education has been invaluable. I would like to commend their strong sense of social responsibility and recognition of the importance of education to community development. The benefits derived from education extend beyond the individual and contribute to the economy and society as a whole.

The Aisling Bursaries initiative has provided local businesses with the opportunity to put financial resources back into the community; which in turn has assisted local students in west Belfast."

Emphasising the need for widening participation in higher education from those groups who are currently under-represented, Dr Farry said:

"My Department is currently leading in the development of a Northern Ireland Regional Strategy for Widening Participation in Higher Education. It is being supported in this by a range of stakeholders including other government departments, the Higher Education Institutions and the Further Education Regional Colleges.

This approach to widening participation aims to ensure any suitably qualified individual here should be able to benefit from higher education, irrespective of their personal or social background."

The Minister acknowledged the dedication and commitment of the West Belfast Partnership Board and the Belfast Media Group towards the local community.

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