Irish-Medium courses at St Mary's

10 February 2012

Deiseanna don Fhorbairt Ghairmiúil ag Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire

Tá cúrsaí nua don fhorbairt ghairmiúil deartha do mhúinteoirí agus do chúntóirí bunscoile agus iarbhunscoile ag an fhoireann lán-Ghaeilge ag Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire.

Cuirfear tús le dha mhodúl Máistreachta san oideachas lán-Ghaeilge ar 21 Feabhra 2012: Ag Tacú leis an Luathfhoghlaim i suímh Lán-Ghaeilge do mhúinteoirí bunscoile agus Oideolaíochtaí Lán-Ghaeilge agus Oilteacht Teanga don Mheánmhúinteoir sa Ghaelscolaíocht do mhúinteoirí iar-bhunscolaíochta. Beidh cúrsa do chúntóirí bunscoile agus iar-bhunscoile dar teideal Saibhriú na Gaeilge do Chúntóirí Ranga ar siúl i Márta 2012.

Trí Chomhairle na Gaelscolaíochta, tá Roinn an Oideachais ag cur sparántachtaí ar fáil don dá chúrsa seo. Chuir Tarlach Mac Giolla Bhríde, Oifigeach Oideachais le Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta fáilte roimh na deiseanna nua don Fhorbairt Ghairmiúil:

"Deis shuntasach iad na cúrsaí seo cur le scileanna múinteoirí agus cúntóirí in earnáil na Gaelscolaíochta. Is le leas na n-oibrithe sin, chomh maith le leas na bpáistí inár gcuid scoileanna a bheidh sé, an caighdeán is airde oiliúna a chur ar fáil."

Le tuilleadh eolais faoi na cúrsaí seo a fháil is féidir dul i dteagmháil le Eibhlín Mhic Aoidh: 02890268293 nó an Seán Mac Corraidh: 02890268283.

Irish-medium professional development opportunities at St Mary’s University College

The Irish-medium team at St Mary's has launched new professional development courses for Irish-medium teachers and classroom assistants in primary and post-primary settings.

Two Masters modules will begin on 21st February 2012: Promoting Learning in Early Years Irish-medium Settings, for primary teachers and Irish-medium pedagogies and language proficiency for the post-primary Irish-medium teacher which is tailored for teachers in post-primary schools. A course for primary and post-primary classroom assistants Saibhriú na Gaeilge do chúntóirí ranga/Language enrichment for classroom assistants begins on 16th March 2012.

Bursaries for both courses have been provided by the Department of Education through the Council for Irish-medium Education. Tarlach Mac Giolla Bhríde, Education officer with Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta, welcomed these professional development opportunities:

"These courses are a remarkable opportunity for teachers and assistants in the Irish-medium sector to develop their skills. By providing the highest standard of professional development the courses will benefit both the educators and the pupils in our schools."

For further information on the College's provision for the Professional Development of Irish-medium teachers please contact Eibhlín Mhic Aoidh: Telephone 02890268293 or Seán Mac Corraidh, Irish-medium Post-primary PGCE Coordinator: Telephone 02890268283.

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