Press Release Liberal Arts Commencement

27 June 2012

Alex Attwood, MLA and Minister for the Environment, was the commencement speaker at a ceremony in St Mary's University College recently to celebrate the achievements of over one hundred liberal arts graduands.

Mr Attwood congratulated the students on their achievements and made several presentations. The Minister emphasised the need to approach politics with humility, and he spoke about the life and times of Robert Kennedy. He invoked Kennedy's call to stand up for values in the service of society.

LA Commencement

Ciaran McCaffery, new president of the Students’ Union, with Alex Attwood MLA and Peter Finn.

Mr Attwood was well received by a large audience and was commended on his speech by the College Principal, Professor Peter Finn. Professor Finn described Alex Attwood as a powerful advocate for St Mary's and, in particular, its Liberal Arts Degree programme.

LA Commencement

Marie-Therese Morgan with Alex Attwood MLA and Peter Finn.

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