St Mary’s Volunteering Challenge

2 October 2012

A big thank you goes out to the staff who volunteered for the College’s first Environmental Day Challenge with Business in the Community. The aim of the challenge was to reach out to other communities and organisations that need an extra helping hand.
Volunteering Day

A team of ten people headed out from St Mary’s to Fleming Fulton Special School on Belfast's Upper Malone Road on Friday, 21 September. The tasks were to clear paths, weed the overgrown ponds along with other general weeding, and to make some compost. The team enjoyed a great day weather-wise, and set to work straight away. Some of the pupils from the school had an opportunity to help out and other pupils came to visit the volunteers at work.

As a result of the work completed by the St Mary's team, the pupils will now be able to access this area and experience the wildlife and vegetation that live and grow within their school grounds.

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