CREDIT Progress 2012

22 October 2012

The new academic year has seen a busy start to the CREDIT project (Classrooms Re-imagined: Education in Diversity & Inclusion for Teachers), funded by the International Fund for Ireland.

The project was established in September 2011 by Stranmillis University College in partnership with St Mary's University College, and provides professional development courses for teachers to help them improve skills and confidence in dealing with issues of diversity, inclusion and community cohesion. To date over seventy teachers have successfully completed these courses and provided very positive feedback.

A number of participants who completed the CREDIT courses last year, drawn from all phases and sectors, attended an informal celebration event on Wednesday, 26 September in Stranmillis University College. During the event, participants were awarded their CREDIT certificates and Dr Patricia Eaton, CREDIT Project Director, commended the teachers on the impressive work undertaken as a result of their involvement in the project. The teachers engaged in a short working session reflecting upon the successes and challenges encountered through engaging with these issues and Lisa Dietrich, Director of Community Relations in Schools, offered advice and support on moving projects forward.

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Dr Patricia Eaton speaking at the CREDIT celebration event.

On Wednesday, 3 October, twenty-one enthusiastic teachers assembled in St Mary's University College to embark on the first day of an action-packed ‘Exploring Skills in CREDIT’ course. During the first day, the focus was on setting the scene in relation to the context for diversity and mutual understanding work in education. The teachers participated in a number of practical workshop sessions helping them to develop their facilitation skills and confidence when dealing with controversial issues in the classroom. On the second day, which was held in Stranmillis University College, teachers were provided with opportunities to review a range of curriculum resources and share ideas about practical options for collaboration in schools. An interactive session using puppets proved enjoyable for these enthusiastic teachers!

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Teachers engaged in active learning at the Exploring Skills in CREDIT course.

The five-day 'Extending Skills in CREDIT' course is a more in-depth course for participants with an existing awareness of community engagement issues. It will show them how to embed relevant good practice into their own settings and will commence on Wednesday, 23 October in St Mary’s University College.

An additional 'Exploring Skills in CREDIT' course and an 'Extending Skills in CREDIT' course will run in Omagh after Christmas. Further details about the project and the courses may be obtained from the website, by contacting Clare Martin, CREDIT Administrative Officer at or by telephoning 028 9038 4530.

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