RSCni visit

11 December 2012

RSC visit image
Left to right as pictured: Donna Hyland, Peter Stevenson and Karen Evans

On Thursday 8 November, Donna Hyland and Karen Evans visited the College to run a workshop on multimedia learning objects, now frequently referred to simply as learning objects.

Donna and Karen are staff members at the Regional Support Centre of Northern Ireland (RSCni), which provides an advice and guidance service to Further and Higher Education institutions within Northern Ireland. In particular they stimulate and support innovation in learning through the use of technology.

The title of their presentation was 'The Use of Technologies in Education: The design and delivery implications for pedagogically sound lessons'. Learning objects often have a content element, a practice element and some form of assessment. Third and fourth year Business Studies students were introduced to internet tools like Extranormal, Go animate, Poll Everywhere, Mind Genius, Voice Thread and Linoit, in order to help them prepare their own learning objects linked to the A-Level and Applied A-Level Business Studies specifications.

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