UKLA Literacy Conference

24 January 2013

UKLA Literacy Conference

St Mary’s University College has just celebrated a sixth literacy conference in association with the United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA). The event was attended by 106 delegates from both primary and post-primary schools across Northern Ireland.

UKLA Literacy Conference

Teresa Cremin set a perfect tone for the day with her talk on 'Developing Comprehension and Reading for Pleasure'. Following five varied and eminently enjoyable workshops, Eithne Kennedy from St Patrick’s College, Dublin, presented a review of her inspirational work in a talk entitled, 'Raising Achievement: An Evidence-Based Approach'.

The conference was brought to a close with a presentation by Liz Armour from the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI), summed up by the words of one delegate, "it was great to have it all pulled together with an insightful ETI perspective."

UKLA Literacy Conference

The highlight of the day was to see so many school principals, vice-principals, literacy co-ordinators, teachers and advisors coming together to think about and talk about literacy. As one delegate said, "there was a great sense of shared interest in literacy."

Other comments from the delegates included:

"This is the best literacy conference or course I have attended in as long as I can remember."

"I intend to modify or change aspects of literacy teaching on the basis of what I have learned today."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! Absolutely worthwhile, purposeful and inspirational day."

"I thoroughly enjoyed the entire programme today! Many thanks! I felt reaffirmed in my approach."

"Thank you very much for all the keynote speeches and the workshops were excellent."

"I found this a most rewarding, stimulating and motivating day! I am constantly wearing the ‘R’ plate in literacy!"

"The day provided me with a wide variety of resources and ideas to take back to our school and share with colleagues and pupils."

"An excellent day with lots of valuable information."

"Extremely useful and well-structured day. I would love another day like this."

"Provided time for professional dialogue and many insights were gleaned."

"I found Teresa Cremin’s presentation inspiring philosophically and eminently practical."

"Eithne Kennedy has obviously succeeded in raising standards with her project. We were all impressed with her results."

"Amazing. So inspiring."

"Comprehensive and thought provoking day – so many ideas to take into consideration."

"An excellent event. Lots to ponder in the coming days and weeks."

"Excellent day. I intend to go back to school and put some of the ideas into place."

"Accommodation, food, hospitality, organisation - excellent."

In opening the conference, the College Principal, Professor Peter Finn, commended Donna Murray for the excellent organization at the event.

UKLA Literacy Conference Programme

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