E-Learning Foundation

13 March 2013

A group of St Mary's students has recently had the opportunity to participate in the first ever pilot E-Learning Foundation Football Award. This course took place over a period of one month where, at their own convenience, participants could log on to the GAA site and complete the theory modules.

Feedback from participants highlighted that the award content was very user-friendly, interactive and fun. The course co-ordinator, Stephen Beattie (Ulster GAA), was able to stay in contact with all participants throughout the duration of the course and, using the news forum application on the site, was able to send an email to each participant and provide an update on their progress.

As the closing date for e-learning theory approached, Stephen set the date for the practical element of the award which took place in St Mary’s. During this workshop all participants were challenged to transfer theory-based concepts in a practical situation, which proved to be a great success.

Gary Mallon of Ulster GAA delivered the workshop in 'Safeguarding Children and Young People in Sport', which is a compulsory element to be attained by all Foundation Coaches.

All in all, this has been a great experience for the course co-ordinator, course participants and tutors and with the support of Ulster GAA will become embedded, at least annually, within St Mary’s University College.

E-Learning Foundation

Stephen Beattie, GAA Development Officer at St Mary’s University College, piloting the E-Learning Foundation Football Award with students.

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