10 May 2013

St Mary’s University College recently hosted a meeting of CHoICE, Comhdháil Chinn Choláisti Oideachais Eireann.

The Conference of Heads of Irish Colleges of Education is held regularly at different locations in the country and addresses the issues of higher education which impact on its member institutions.

CHoiCE has five institutional members in Dublin, as well as one each in Limerick, Sligo and Belfast. The Colleges are in the trusteeship of the Catholic Church and the Church of Ireland.

Pictured at a meeting of Comhdháil Chinn Choláisti Oideachais Eireann at St Mary’s are: Dr Andrew McGrady, Professor Michael Hayes, Professor Peter Finn, Dr Anne O’Gara, Mrs Maire McLaughlin and Dr Daire Keogh.

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