Beechmount Parking Issue

23 September 2013

College management held a meeting on 20 September with residents of the Beechmount area to address the issue of student parking.

Professor Peter Finn and Deirdre Cree, Head of Student Services, informed Sinn Fein councillor, Kieron Beattie, and representatives, about the College’s commitment to resolve parking problems in the 2013-2014 academic year. The College is in the process of creating additional parking spaces on campus and is working with the Department for Regional Development on a ‘Travel Plan’ for St Mary’s. The Students’ Union are also involved in measures to alleviate parking problems.

Peter and Deirdre emphasized that the problems are being caused by a small number of students but nevertheless the issue is causing local residents serious inconvenience as well as concerns for health and safety. The College Principal has written to all students saying:

“I would urge you to reconsider how you travel to College as well as where you will park your car if you continue to use it for travelling to St Mary’s.”

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