Press Release Forensic Science Challenge

12 November 2013

St Mary’s University College on Belfast’s Falls Road will host an exciting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) education event called “The Forensic Science Challenge” on Wednesday, 13th November 2013. Over 170 pupils from four local primary schools will step into the role of being ‘crime scene investigators’ as they try to solve “The Case of the Stolen Ulster Fry”.

The pupils from St Kevin’s, St Peter’s, St Clare’s and St Joseph’s primary schools will wear crime scene investigators protective suits and will use their science, technology and mathematics skills to analyse a range of evidence left at the scene of the crime. Their challenge will be to investigate who stole the weekly treat of an Ulster Fry from under the nose of the college principal, Professor Peter Finn.

To find the perpetrator of the crime, they will analyse handwriting from a note found at the scene, examine ink using chromatography and compare hair and clothing fibres using microscopes. They will also examine foot casts, teeth marks and shoe scrapings to build a case against the criminal!

The pupils will work collaboratively in groups and will be assisted by student teachers at St Mary’s, who will support the children’s learning and help them solve the case! Professor Finn commented on the Forensic Science Challenge by saying, “Whatever the nutritional benefits or otherwise of an Ulster Fry, the event is one in a series whereby St Mary’s is supporting the development of STEM education in partnership with schools.”

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