Alumni Association Fundraiser

28 November 2013

St Mary’s Alumni Association hosts the play 2 Nights with George as a fundraiser.

Belfast actress and playwright Donna O’Connor (centre) pictured with her two-dimensional sidekick,
George Clooney, and Chair of the St Mary’s Alumni Association, Joan Campbell.

On Wednesday, 27 November, the St Mary’s University College Alumni Association hosted a performance of
2 Nights with George, a play written and performed by St Mary’s graduate, Donna O’Connor. The performance was held as a fund-raising event for the College with the playwright and actress generously donating a portion of the proceeds from her performance to the College.

2 Nights with George is a sequel to the original A Night with George, which had previously been performed at several prominent Belfast venues including the Grand Opera House and Belfast’s Waterfront Hall. This earlier play also had been featured as an off-Broadway production in New York City.

In the plays, O’Connor’s monologues reveal the life of a witty, feisty Post-Troubles Belfast woman who imagines the famous American actor George Clooney as her sympathetic audience.

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