Press Release Tribute to Nelson Mandela

10 December 2013

A tribute was paid today to Nelson Mandela at a seminar on ‘Peace for Africa’ held in St Mary’s University College. The seminar brought together students and staff from the university and representatives of the African Diaspora living in Belfast. The issues that were discussed were all relevant to the life and work of the late President of South Africa. Peace building, reconciliation, African culture and society and migration were the main themes of the debate. The seminar brought together prominent representatives from the African community to discuss the future of the continent. Addressing the students were Paddy Dolo, founder of the Liberian Solidarity Association; Ernest Mulolwa, Chair of Congo’s Tears; Cyprian Misinde from the Uganda Association of Northern Ireland and Suleiman Abdulahi, Director of the Horn of Africa Project from Somalia.

The seminar was organised by the Peace for Africa Initiative and staff at the College. One of the organisers of the seminar, Dr Gerard McCann, commented:

This is a poignant and timely event. Nelson Mandela is considered to be the Father of modern Africa. His lifelong struggle against the Apartheid regime in South Africa has been inspirational for people confronting racism across the world. His instinct for peace building has been an influence on those working on ending conflict worldwide. In Africa his voice is the voice of a generation. As with Africans worldwide, the African community here in Ireland are mourning the loss of their prophet. This ‘Peace for Africa’ seminar in a small way is a continuation of the work of Madiba, and it is only fitting that we take some time out to reflect on the life of Nelson Mandela.

For further information please contact Dr Gerard McCann on 02890 268301.

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