NASUWT Presentation

21 November 2014

The Northern Ireland President of the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT), Teresa Graham, was delighted to visit St Mary’s University College on Tuesday, 4 November to present the lucky winners of the prize draw which took place at the recent recruitment day.

The following students were prize winners:

1st Prize of an iPad Air: Aideen McAuley
2nd Prize of £100 in taxi vouchers: Sarah Quinn
3rd Prize of £60 voucher for Fáilte: Laura McIntyre

From left to right: Sarah Quinn, Teresa Graham, Aideen McAuley and Laura Mclntyre.

This was Teresa’s second visit to the College this year, as NASUWT also presented a prize for “High Achievement”, which was won by Erin O’Reilly.

                      Teresa Graham, presenting Erin O’Reilly with a cheque for the “High Achievement” prize.

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