Belfast TeachMeet 2015

30 March 2015

St Mary's was pleased to facilitate a recent TeachMeet.

Belfast TeachMeet2015

The grass-roots phenomenon known globally as “TeachMeet” took place in St Mary’s University College on Friday, 13 March. A fun, relaxed and informal gathering of teachers, this event was an opportunity to hear about all the latest exciting practices going on in classrooms around the region.

This entirely free evening started at 6:00 pm with a finger buffet and an exhibition including displays from over a dozen local and international educational organisations and resource developers. Raffles and prize giveaways were scattered throughout the evening’s activities while the talks themselves were short, enlightening presentations on new developments in teaching that are being tried and tested by teachers at the moment.

TeachMeets, which began in Scotland back in 2006 and have now spread globally, are often the most useful, practical and inspiring of teacher conferences simply because they are organised voluntarily by teachers for teachers. The event remains grounded in the real world of the challenges being faced by today’s professional practitioners. Teachers from every area of school life are invited, including primary, post-primary and student teachers. All are most welcome.

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