St Mary's Celebrates Student Life

9 June 2015

Local political representatives recently joined with students and members of staff at St Mary’s University College to celebrate the high quality of student life at the Falls Road campus.

This new event in the College calendar was designed to highlight the rich tapestry of activities in which the students are involved outside of their academic studies. The College Principal, Professor Peter Finn, said,

“These activities, which include support for college liturgies, musical performance, participation in sports, promotion of the Irish language and volunteering in community education programmes, enhance the transferable skills of our students and are also of benefit to wider society”.

The celebration also recognised the successful outcome of the “Save St Mary’s” campaign and, in particular, the contribution of the College students, local community groups and political representatives in achieving this success. It came, appropriately, at a time when the study of Education at St Mary’s was ranked second only to Cambridge University in the Guardian University League Tables, which cover all the higher institutions in England, Scotland, Wales and the North.

Paul Maskey MP presented a trophy to Kelly O’Higgins from Castlewellan.
Kelly is the captain of the St Mary’s Netball Team that won the All-Ireland
Inter-varsities League for the third year in succession.

Alex Attwood MLA presented a trophy to Patrick McAleer from Ballymena.
Patrick is the captain of the St Mary’s Gaelic Football Senior Reserve Team
that won the All-Ireland Intermediate League title.

Jennifer McCann MLA (Junior Minister at OFMDFM), Paul Maskey MP, Alex Attwood MLA,
Jim Gibney and Professor Peter Finn, College Principal with some of the students
who attended the recent event to celebrate volunteering and sporting achievement at St Mary’s.

Paul Maskey MP with members of the successful St Mary’s University College Netball Team
who were presented with special T-shirts in recognition of their three in a row wins
at All-Ireland Inter varsities level.

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