Research-Teaching Nexus

22 June 2015

Matthew Martin (L) of St Mary’s and John O’Connor (R), Dean of the College of Arts and Tourism
and a Director of the Dublin Institute of Technology

Dr Matthew Martin, Senior Lecturer in English at St Mary’s, was keynote speaker at a recent conference on the Research-Teaching Nexus hosted by the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT). The event was organised by DIT’s Learning, Teaching and Technology Centre and was aimed at staff across all disciplines and graduate students participating in DIT’s MA in Higher Education, MSc in Applied eLearning and their Postgraduate Diploma in 3rd Level Learning & Teaching. The title of Dr Martin’s talk was “Writing as Research: Research Methods and the Writing Process”.

“Too often,” he said, “writing is addressed within research methods modules as an add-on to the process, rather than as key to the way we learn about the objectives of our research. Supervision for students engaging in research requires a solid understanding of both process-oriented approaches and product-oriented approaches to writing pedagogy.”

Dr Jen Harvey, Head of the Learning, Teaching and Technology Centre, commented afterwards: “I just want to say how much I enjoyed Dr Martin’s presentation. We have had such positive feedback from the attendees and are delighted with what was such an ideal keynote for the event. I hope our two institutions continue the exchange of ideas and good practice around this subject.”

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