Michaela Camp Comes To Antrim

24 June 2015

From 29 June, St Mary’s University College will host the Antrim Michaela Foundation Girls’ Summer Camp for the second time.

The Camp offers girls aged 11-13 a week of unforgettable fun-filled activities. Campettes will take part in four hours of different activities daily in each of five elements: Fun, Faith, Fashion, Well-being and Fáilte.

In addition to the fun activities and treats, each attendee will also receive a limited edition Michaela Foundation Girls’ Summer Camp jersey from O’Neill’s and a beautiful Camp journal.

When asked for his thoughts on hosting the Camp, Peter Finn, Principal of St Mary’s, said:

“The Antrim Camp 2014 was a great success at St Mary’s with a very good attendance as well as a stimulating programme of activities. We are delighted that the camp will return to our campus on 29 June for one week. The ethos of St Mary’s and the Michaela Foundation are well aligned, and that is the basis of our excellent partnership. Many of our students and alumni are involved in the Foundation, and that of course is an added bonus.”

Camp co-ordinator, Orla McIntyre, is equally as thrilled about the venue stating:

“Coming back to St Mary’s University for the 2015 Antrim Camp is an absolute privilege. The campettes and leaders alike from all over Antrim loved every second of camp last year, and it feels just like coming home. I cannot thank St Mary’s enough for their continued support.”

The phenomenal growth of the Camps throughout Ireland plays testament to the commitment of Michaela Foundation’s voluntary leaders and the community’s support. Many campettes return three years in a row showing just how much they enjoy Camp!

On behalf of Michaela Foundation John McAreavey said:

“I am really thrilled that we will be expanding our Michaela Foundation Summer Camp network to fifteen venues in 2015. Having a host location like St Mary’s University College enables us to provide an excellent setting for campettes to enjoy and express themselves.”

Interested campettes are advised to sign up as quickly as possible, as some Camps are already fully subscribed for 2015! To register or to find out more about Camp, visit the Michaela Foundation website.

Camp costs £60. Family discounts are available upon request.

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