Press Release SEFF Memorial Quilt

23 November 2015

St Mary’s University College welcomed a display of the SEFF (South East Fermanagh Foundation) Memorial Quilt in the Green Room of the Students’ Centre on Monday, 23 November from 9:30 am until 3:00 pm.

The College Principal, Professor Peter Finn, said:

“We all will be aware from the details of what was not included in the political agreement reached last week at Stormont that there are still very different and conflicting interpretations of the legacy of the ‘Troubles’.

“At St Mary’s we uphold the right people have to express their points of view, and this principle is reflected in our response to requests from different organisations and groups to exhibit Remembrance or Memorial Quilts on campus.

“St Mary’s considers community engagement to be an essential part of the College ethos, so exhibitions and other events organised by a great range of groups and organisations are the natural outworking of that engagement."

At 1:00 pm Kenny Donaldson, the Director of SEFF, gave a talk on the Memorial Quilt.

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