Brussels Terror Attack

22 March 2016

In the light of the Brussels attacks, St Mary’s is providing the following update on its students.

The College has fourteen students, at present, attending a number of universities in Belgium as part of the Erasmus Mobility Programme. These students have been contacted by the College’s International Desk, and all of them are safe. St Mary’s is also hosting eleven students from Belgium this semester, and they are being offered assistance at this difficult time.

St Mary’s joins in solidarity with local, national and international leaders in condemning the attacks.

Pope Francis and Catholic Bishops of Belgium condemn Brussels attacks

There has been widespread condemnation of the attacks which took place in Brussels.

Pope Francis has a sent telegram to Jozef De Kesel, Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels following the attacks. In the telegram, signed by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Pope Francis prays for the victims, the injured and their families and again condemns “blind violence which causes so much suffering.”

This is a Vatican Radio translation of the text of the Pope’s telegram:

“Learning of the attacks in Brussels, which have affected many people, His Holiness Pope Francis entrusts to God’s mercy those who died and he prays for those who have lost relatives. He expresses his deepest sympathy to the injured and their families, and all those who contribute to relief efforts, asking the Lord to bring them comfort and consolation in this ordeal. The Holy Father again condemns the blind violence which causes so much suffering and imploring from God the gift of peace, he entrusts on the bereaved families and the Belgians the benefit of divine blessings.”

Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State of His Holiness

The Catholic Bishops of Belgium have also issued a statement condemning the deadly terror attacks on the Brussels airport and underground stations, calling for prayerful solidarity with the victims and for national unity in response to the assault.

This is a Vatican Radio translation of the text of the Bishops’ statement:

“The bishops of Belgium are dismayed by the attack in Zaventem airport and in the centre of Brussels. They share the anguish of thousands of travellers and their families, aviation professionals and, once again, rescue teams on the go. They entrust the victims to the prayers of all in this new, dramatic situation. Chaplains from the airport are at the service of all to provide the necessary spiritual support.”

The following correspondence was received from one of the College's partner universities in Belgium:

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