Michaela Foundation Girls' Camp

15 September 2016

Recently, St Mary’s University College successfully hosted a Michaela Foundation Girls’ Summer Camp for the third year running. The Belfast camp was one of nineteen camps throughout Ireland in 2016, a year which marks Michaela Foundation’s fifth anniversary.

The fully booked camp offered girls aged 11-13 a week of unforgettable fun-filled activities in each of five elements: fun, faith, fashion, well-being and fáilte.

Once more, the Belfast camp was a great success with full attendance and a stimulating programme of activities.

The Belfast camp simply wouldn’t happen without the strong team of voluntary leaders. Michaela Foundation are grateful to each and every camp leader who generously donated their time and talents to make the camp in St Mary’s University College a unique experience for all who attended. Many past and present students of St Mary’s University College were leaders at the camp.

Favourable feedback has been received from participating “campettes”. “I’ve learned not to put myself down every time I look in the mirror but to point out all the good things”, said one campette. Another stated, “Ah-May-Zing!!! One of the best weeks of my life!!”

Not only do camp leaders make a real difference to the lives of the campettes, but they get a lot out of the experience, too:

“It was definitely one of the best weeks of my life. I met so many new people. It’s completely different from any other regular summer camp: it develops both campettes and volunteers as people.”

Speaking on behalf of Michaela Foundation about St Mary’s, Úna Kelly stated:

“We were delighted to bring the Michaela Girls Summer Camp back to St. Mary’s University College in 2016. The support of the management and staff was integral to making the camp a success. The staff are so welcoming and accommodating, a sentiment which our camp leaders would reiterate.

I believe that the ethos of St. Mary’s University College and Michaela Foundation are well aligned, and that is the basis of a strong partnership. Having such a host location enables us to provide an excellent setting for campettes to enjoy and express themselves. On behalf of Michaela Foundation, I’d like to thank the staff and management for their continued support.”

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