European Symposium

22 May 2017

‘Moving Borders’ Symposium Surveys European Integration

The International Office at St Mary’s, led by Dr Gerard McCann, organized a symposium for visiting academics, Erasmus+ students and other international guests on the theme of “Moving Borders”.

Held on 17th May 2017 in various venues across the campus, the day included a range of events, lectures, presentations, open discussions and concluded on a lighter note with a traditional Euro-song contest. This symposium sought to explore the nature of the relationship between the countries of the continent and Ireland. Issues pertinent to the debate on “ever closer union” were considered in detail and included a talk on the current state of international relations by Dr Dianne Kirby, Research Fellow at Queen’s University Belfast.

International students from seven different European counties delivered short presentations on continental links in Ireland, focusing on social, cultural, historical similarities and differences. The symposium finished with students being awarded certificates of completion for their European Integration course and the Euro-song contest organized by St Mary’s University College Students’ Union. The song competition was won by the Austrian delegation.

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