Presentation on Place-names

9 June 2017

Padaí de Bléine from the Irish Department gave a presentation on place names in Gaelscoil Ghleann Darach on
Thursday, 1 June. Pupils from Gaelscoil Ghleann Darach, St Joesph’s Primary School Crumlin, Crumlin Integrated Primary School and Crumlin Integrated College were present.

The presentation was organised as part of the Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU) programme between the schools.

Thug Padaí de Bléine as Roinn na Gaeilge cur i láthair ar Logainmneacha i nGaelscoil Ghleann Darach Déardaoin 1 Meitheamh. Bhí daltaí as Gaelscoil Ghleann Darach, St. Joesph’s PS Crumlin, Crumlin Integrated PS agus Crumlin Integrated College ann. Eagraíodh an cur i láthair mar chuid den chlar ‘forbairt phearsanta agus comhthuiscint’ idir na scoileanna.

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