PSNI Roadsafe Roadshow

15 January 2018

St Mary’s Students’ Union hosted the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Roadsafe Roadshow recently. The CoolFM Breakfast Show broadcasting team presented their radio show from the College car park and then participated in the roadshow workshop in the College Hall.

Car accident scene at the front of the College

Stories of real-life car accidents resulting in both death and serious injury were told. In addition, a car crash scene was recreated in the College car park in an attempt to convey a very powerful message to students about the risks of dangerous driving.

Some students’ commented after the roadshow:

“Very emotive to hear the emergency services team talk about it from their perspective.”

“It has really made me think about the way I approach my driving.”

“That was brilliant! It really sent a strong message home with everyone.”

“It was a very real scene and picture of how devastating a car accident is.”

The PSNI stated that a quarter of all road traffic incidents are caused by young drivers aged 17-24 years, and the majority of fatalities on the road falls within this age bracket.

The Students’ Union considered it very important to host and support this event and to present to students the hard-hitting facts about the dangers of driving.

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