Insight into LA and BEd Degrees

23 April 2018

Recently, the College opened its doors to welcome prospective students from across Ireland and beyond to two open events: the annual “Insight into the Liberal Arts” programme and a new companion programme entitled ‘Insight into the BEd”. Over two hundred upper sixth year pupils and their parents or guardians came to hear more about these degree programmes and where they might lead.

‘Really good event, lovely warm welcome.’

The afternoon began with a welcome from the College Principal, Professor Peter Finn, who shared some of his own experience as the parent of a current year 14 pupil. Then the two groups of visitors were offered separate main programme talks. Those interested in the BEd degree attended a talk given by Programme Director Martin Hagan and School Experience Coordinator Claire Connolly. Those interested in the Liberal Arts degree attended a presentation by Jonathan Worley, director of the Writing Centre, and the Liberal Arts Programme Director Feidhlimidh Magennis. As well as explaining the nature of the degree, the two talks outlined the various elements of each course of study and gave examples of where such a degree can lead by providing the visual testimony of graduates.

‘Felt very impressed by St Mary’s staff – they were all so helpful.’

St Mary’s BEd graduates have gone on to be classroom teachers, principals and vice-principals in schools, lecturers in colleges and universities, as well as taking up posts with the Department of Education, the Education Inspectorate, the Council for Catholic Maintained Schools and education authorities and examination boards both at home and abroad. Our Liberal Arts graduates have been successful in obtaining places on a wide range of postgraduate study programmes and in gaining employment in a varied range of professions: accountancy and finance, business management, teaching and education, youth and community work, human resources, PR, marketing and events management, the sports industry, IT and software development, retail management, social work and charitable and not-for-profit organisations.

‘Very welcoming and warm atmosphere in general. Sense of support and genuine interest in students and their learning.’

Following the main presentations, there was a chance for students and their parents to meet subject lecturers and current St Mary’s students. This was a perfect opportunity to ask any questions they had about the course and to find out a little about student life.

‘Very friendly staff that were willing to stay longer and have a chat.’

‘The contribution from the two current students was very helpful and insightful.’

The final session brought everyone back to the College Hall, where visiting students had the opportunity to discover more about a second subject option and to meet with Admissions staff, who were available to respond to any enquiries regarding applications and entrance requirements. The afternoon closed with a tour of campus facilities led by St Mary’s student ambassadors.

‘Excellent insight into life at St Mary’s.’

‘A very good event that was very informative and really exciting! Made me more sure of making St Mary’s my first choice. Thank you!’

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