Freshers’ and Volunteer Fair

15 October 2018

This year the Students’ Union Executive Team made the decision to combine our two annual events —the Freshers’ Fayre and the Community Volunteer Fair — to make one even bigger and better event! We are pleased to announce that it was extremely successful, boasting almost twice the attendance of previous years and extending in size from our College Hall, through the Foyer and into the Green Room.

The day saw our new and returning students hit campus full of enthusiasm and excitement as a variety of unions, companies, businesses and services were warmly welcomed into St Mary’s to promote themselves and to show what they can offer our students. It was a perfect opportunity to promote individuals who are actively searching for new experiences, opportunities and products that will guide their experience over these key years of their life. The fair was a great opportunity to connect with the people, brands and activities that will shape our students’ time at university.

Additionally, our students were given the opportunity to learn about and get involved with the extensive range of clubs and societies the college has to offer. This event was a great start to a colourful and exciting new year in the Students’ Union!

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