Safeguarding Training in Lusaka

6 February 2021

In an unprecedented partnership between St Mary's University College, the University of Zambia (UNZA), the Police Service of Zambia and Project Zambia, an intensive course was held in Lusaka on safeguarding children and vulnerable people.

Funded by St Mary's and Project Zambia, the programme was the first in the country and drew in expertise from the fields of social work, policing, strategic management, safeguarding and teaching.

Among those taking part in the course were new police recruits, orphanage managers, teachers and academics. The programme was overseen by Mr Muma Kapambwe from the Police Child Protection Unit and Dr Masauso Chirwa from the University of Zambia. The Home of Hope and Project Zambia were represented by Ms Chitalu and Dominique Groves and the Kabwata Orphanage by the former Deputy First Lady of Zambia, Mrs Angela Miyanda.

Keynote talks were given by Mr Joseph Simuchembu, the National Coordinator of the Zambia Police Child Protection Unit and Dr Gerard McCann representing St Mary's. The event was drawn to a close by Dr Aidan Donaldson from the Edmund Rice Foundation.
Commenting on the event, Mr Kapambwe noted that:

“This is new to Zambia. It is a marker in terms of networking and partnership and gives our new police recruits an insight into the complexities of policing in this very challenging environment."

Dr McCann added: “This is an innovative programme that will now be rolled out to organisations working with vulnerable people across Zambia. There is now a connected network in Lusaka which has the role of spotting signs, intervention and supporting victims."

The programme will operate under the title Ichengelo Safeguarding|Training and will be backed up by a programme development strategy, a new safeguarding degree at UNZA and UK Aid governmental support.

Dr Chirwa, Mr Kapambwe and Ms Chitalu presenting Certificates of Programme Completion
to participants.

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