Blackboard Awards 2021

27 February 2021

9th Annual Blackboard Awards 2021

The awards ceremony broadcast live from the NIAVAC studios in East Belfast with presenter Lynette Faye

On Friday 26th February, teaching professionals from across Belfast gathered in their homes to celebrate the 2021 Annual Blackboard Awards, albeit virtually.

With community engagement and social justice key features of St Mary’s University College’s mission, the College was delighted to be a sponsor of this year’s Blackboard Awards, along with Lidl, Cirdan, Flynn, Woodvale Construction, Comhairle na Gaelscolaíohta and Maritime Belfast Trust - saluting the teaching heroes of the pandemic!

The awards ceremony was broadcast live from the NIAVAC studios in East Belfast where presenter, Lynette Faye told an audience of over 300 guests that teachers had been quick to answer the Covid call. "Their courage and resolve has been an antidote to the fear and confusion which Covid engenders," she said. "Their commitment a boon to a community under siege from the Coronavirus."

Among those honoured were teachers from the Catholic Maintained, Controlled, Irish-medium and Integrated sectors, from every corner of the city. (You can see full list of honourees online.)

Keynote speaker, Children's Commission Koulla Yiasouma addressed the ninth annual awards ceremony live. "The pandemic has taught us many things about ourselves and the communities we live in," she said, "but one of the big things it taught us is the role the education and schools have in the lives of our families and our young people."

She said, “The importance of teachers to the development of our children can't be overestimated. You share the love of learning with young people and enthuse them to learn but you also instil in them the belief that they can achieve."

St Mary's University College Award for Outstanding Community Engagement, for teachers who had helped the community during pandemic, went to Conor Kennedy and Emma McCully of All Saints College.

Speaking at the event, the Principal, Professor Peter Finn KSG, congratulated the recipients of the award:

“At St Mary’s University College, we place a great emphasis on community engagement and widening access to higher education. We do this because we regard both these activities as vehicles for promoting social justice in our community.”

“We are delighted to be associated with an award in the area of Community Engagement. Through your work, Conor and Emma, you have promoted social justice. You have enabled many young people from the local area to reach their full potential – you are a great credit to the teaching profession and I congratulate you on the outcome of the award.”

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