Blackboard Awards 2022

14 February 2022

Conor McParland from Belfast Media with Peter Finn, Principal of St Mary's University College

St Mary’s University College is delighted to support the 10th Annual Blackboard Awards 2022.

Commenting on the partnership Professor Peter Finn KSG said:

“When I became aware of the Blackboard Awards, I was conscious that this is about celebrating and commending teachers and letting the world know the kind of work that they do. We are very happy to be involved in the awards.”

The theme of this year’s awards is to focus the spotlight on teachers who have shone as beacons of hope in our classrooms during the Covid storm. Over almost two years now, our tireless teaching staff have toiled on the educational frontlines to ensure no child or student is left behind due to the disruption caused by the pandemic.

Speaking about the impact of the pandemic, Professor Finn said, “Teachers went ‘above and beyond’ during tough times. The whole pandemic has turned things upside down. Like so many other education providers, we had to go online and we learned how to do things differently.” He continued. “I strongly believe online learning is supportive of, but not a replacement for, face-to-face teaching.

“Good quality education, at no matter what level, needs to have that social connection between people. I think society does not value teachers sufficiently and understand the very complex role a teacher undertakes in new circumstances. We don’t pay them enough and don’t commend them enough. In terms of the awards, I say, let’s raise the roof and shout about it when praising those in the teaching profession”.

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