Bishop Treanor

28 November 2022

His Holiness Pope Francis has appointed Most Reverend Noel Treanor, Bishop of Down and Connor, as Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union.

Commenting on his appointment, Bishop Noel, (who is the Chair of the Board of Governors at St Mary’s University College), said:

“I am honoured that His Holiness, Pope Francis has appointed me as Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union. I have accepted this appointment and, with God’s grace, I will seek to carry out this mission which has been entrusted to me.

Over the last fourteen years, I have served you as Bishop in the Diocese of Down and Connor and it is with a very heavy heart that I take up this new appointment. I have so many fond memories of my time here and particularly of all the clergy, religious and the people whom I have met and who have supported me with their advice and expertise. I will always value and consider my time in Down and Connor as a blessing from God. I remember and am so grateful for your warm welcome upon my arrival in the diocese. It has been a privilege and a blessing to have been a Bishop with you and for you.”

The College Principal, Professor Peter Finn KSG, said:

“Everyone at St Mary’s congratulates Bishop Noel on his appointment as Apostolic Nuncio to the EU. During his time as Bishop of Down and Connor he has served our institution with distinction, as the Chair of Governors and Senior Trustee. Bishop Noel presided at numerous Commencement ceremonies for students and their families and also made regular visits to the College where he met students and members of staff. He is a great supporter of the College and offered us very wide counsel.

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