Baha’i Community

26 February 2023

Since April 2022, the Baha’i community has been holding classes in St Mary’s University College for children from 4-11 years old. Inspired by the teachings of the worldwide Baha'i community, these classes seek to instil virtues and morals that will stay with the children: kindness, love for mankind, patience, generosity, friendliness, and cooperation. These concepts are learnt through stories, arts and games, and selfless acts of service that they will put into practice. They decide by themselves which acts of service they would like to do. The goal is for the children to reach a stage in which they can contribute to the well-being of society.

In the past months the group has included classes to encourage parents to accompany their children and participate in the activities. A number of families in West Belfast attended a craft class for mothers recently held at St Mary’s. Children's classes are taking place worldwide, in every locality where people are working for the betterment of their communities and neighbourhoods.

More information is availalable on the Baha'i Community website.

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