Young Enterprise Awards

27 April 2023

St Mary's University College BEd Business Studies students have won the NI Young Enterprise Start-Up Company of the Year 2023 award at Belfast City Hall.

Their start-up business, @flowmail, a menstrual essentials service, aims to provide women with the necessary products while erasing the stigma surrounding menstruation. Flowmail, the company that they created, will compete in the UK Start-Up Programme Finals on 10 May 2023 in Manchester.

We wish them every success!

Front row (L-R): Year 3 Business Studies students: Courtney McEvoy, Riona Kearns, Maeve McGirr, Anna McAlinden, Chloe Devlin  

Back row (L-R): Frank McVeigh (Lecturer, St Mary's), Paul Narain (US Consul General in Belfast), Karen McGivern (Senior Lecturer, St Mary’s), Joe Kennedy III (US Special Envoy to Northern Ireland for Economic Affairs), Carol Fitzsimmons MBE (CEO Young Enterprise NI)

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