Local women from Whiterock Family Centre attend Early Years Master Class

27 November 2006

Senior lecturer Deirdre Loughran delivering a Master Class to women from the Whiterock Family Centre in Belfast.

Senior lecturer Deirdre Loughran (far right) and final year BEd.(Hons) student Anne Marie Hughes (far right:seated front) with women from the Whiterock Family Centre in Belfast.

Thirty local women from the Whiterock Family Centre seized the opportunity to attend a captivating Master Class delivered by Senior lecturer Deirdre Loughran (Early Years Specialist) within St. Mary's University College. The women (who are currently completing National Vocational Qualifications at level 3 in Children's Care, Learning and Development) gained an insight into ‘The needs of young learners'.

Following their lecture the women said:-

‘This is another small step towards achieving my intended goals. At first things always seem so far away and hard to achieve….to be actually sitting in a lecture theatre, hearing a real lecture, it's a real experience, a real insight! I loved this experience and am grateful for the opportunity. I now know I want this for myself.' Kerry Duffy ‘

'I found the lecture very informative. It reinforced information that I already knew but also taught me much more.' Claire Ferrick

‘The lecture was excellent and so clearly explained. The lecturer was very down to earth, easy to listen to and inspiring.' Karen Compston

‘I found myself wanting to hear more.' Kathleen Doherty

During the Master Class session final year BEd.(Hons) student Anne Marie Hughes provided an honest, informative and realistic insight into her experience as a mature student in Higher Education. The women said:-

‘This experience has made me feel that maybe I could go on to Higher Education, it has made me less afraid. Anne Marie was brilliant at making us feel we have the ability to return to further education.' Deirdre May

‘I thought hey! I could do this. If Anne Marie could do it (with similar family commitments) so can I. She has inspired me.' Kerry Duffy

‘Having heard about her journey back into education I feel confident that I may achieve much more by returning to education.' Kathleen Doherty

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