News Archive

Disability Support visit

29 April 2013
Disability Support visit to St Patrick’s College...

Road Safety Roadshow

25 April 2013
A 'Road Safety Roadshow', organised by the PSNI in association with AXA, was held in St Mary's on Thursday, 25 April....

RE Certificate

12 April 2013
Professor Peter Finn, Principal of St Mary’s University College comments on CCMS decision....


16 April 2013
Student teachers take part in a study visit to Jerusalem....

Higher Education Academy (HEA)

8 April 2013
HEA seminar held in St Mary's....

Catastrophe in Cyprus

25 March 2013
Liberal Arts students report their experiences from Nicosia. ...

E-Learning Foundation

13 March 2013
St Mary's students pilot first E-Learning Foundation Football Award....

Employment of teaching graduates

25 February 2012
The most recently published figures on Unistats show that ITE graduates from St Mary’s are highly employable. ...

For current news items see Latest News section.