News Archive

World Literacy Summit 2020

9 June 2020
Catherine Gilliland represents St Mary's online at the World Literacy Summit....

Human Rights Interview

1 June 2020
Dr Birgit Schippers speaks to NvTv regarding the human rights implications of digital surveillance during the Covid pandemic....

Digital Contact Tracing

28 May 2020
Dr Birgit Schippers writes in The Irish Times on the normalisation of intrusive surveillance through the use of digital contact tracing apps. ...

Challenging Times

31 March 2020
Challenging Times, Professor Peter Finn KSG, Principal of St Mary's University College....

Pandemic Drones During Lockdown

26 May 2020
Dr Birgit Schippers publishes a new article on the use of pandemic drones during lockdown. ...

Mr J I O’Connell RIP

20 April 2020
The College community is saddened to learn that its former Principal, Mr Ignatius O'Connell, died on Tuesday, 14 April....

Healthcare Workers

24 March 2020
A Prayer for Healthcare Workers during these difficult times....


23 March 2020
A prayer by Pope Francis to our Blessed Lady....

For current news items see Latest News section.