News Archive

Liberal Arts

10 May 2019
St Mary's welcomed prospective students at an annual event "Insight into the Liberal Arts"....

Rita Day

2 May 2019
Rita Day contributes to GuildHE report on Practice-Informed Learning....

European University of Cyprus

1 May 2019
Rita Day spends time in the European University of Cyprus as part of the Erasmus+ mobiliy programme....

Shaping Change in Education

30 April 2019
Rita Day and Peter Stevenson attend the QUB Annual Learning and Teaching Conference....

Widening Participation

29 April 2019
St Mary's hosts the twenty-first West Belfast Partnership Board Easter School...

Camino de Santiago

30 April 2019
Students from An Cumann Gaelach walk El Camino de Santiago....

Ukraine Study Visit

15 April 2019
St Mary's Liberal Arts and PGCE students attended a week-long study visit in Ukraine....

Artificial Intelligence & Democracy

10 April 2019
Dr Birgit Schippers has recently published a new article in The Globe Post entitled "Why Artificial Intelligence Needs Democratic Governance"....

For current news items see Latest News section.