News Archive


6 December 2022
Members of the Senior Leadership Team at CCMS were welcome guests at St Mary’s University College recently....

The Science of Reading

6 December 2022
Discussions on 'The Science of Reading' were hosted recently in the College....

Bishop Treanor

28 November 2022
His Holiness Pope Francis has appointed Most Reverend Noel Treanor, Bishop of Down and Connor, as Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union....

Italian Researchers at St Mary's

25 November 2022
Italian Researchers visit St Mary's to investigate the implications of Ireland's membership of the European Union. ...

Belfast Homeless Services

22 November 2022
St Mary's Students' Union donate clothes to Belfast Homeless Services...

Art Workshop for Local IME Pupils

21 November 2022
Art Workshop for Local IME Pupils / Ceardlann Ealaíne trí mheán na Gaeilge ...

Rev Dr Niall Coll

10 November 2022
Congratulations to our former colleague Rev Dr Niall Coll, new bishop of Ossory. Niall has our best wishes following his appointment by Pope Francis....

Over the Wire Podcast

11 November 2022
Professor Peter Finn talks about the history of St Mary's....

For current news items see Latest News section.