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'Our Children Our Future'


On Friday, 20 March 2015, Whiterock Children’s Centre held a conference in St Mary’s University College entitled ‘Our Children, Our Future’.  The conference focused on children and child poverty in West Belfast and coincided with the introduction of their strategic plan for 2015-2018.

The Right Honourable Lord Mayor, Nichola Mallon, launched the event along with Junior Minister Jennifer McCann.

The conference provided a forum in which a selected panel of experts addressed questions concerning government legislation, childcare provision and family support in the context of West Belfast.  Guest speakers included Jennifer McCann, OFMDFM Junior Minister; Professor Paddy Hillyard, Professor Emeritus Sociology, QUB; Professor Mike Tomlinson, Professor Sociology, QUB; Koulla Yiasouma, NI Commissioner for Children and Young People and Marion McLeod, Policy Manager for Children in Scotland.

The contribution of Whiterock Children’s Centre in providing over 25 years’ service to children and families in West Belfast was also celebrated.


Whiterock Children's Centre Conference - 'Our children, Our Future'


Back Row: Koulla Yiasouma (Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children & Young People),
Marion Macleod (Policy Manager at Children in Scotland), Paul Maskey (MP West Belfast), Steven Corr (Belfast City Councillor).

Front Row: Deirdre Walsh (Director, Whiterock Children’s Centre),
Councillor Nichola Mallon (The Right Honourable Lord Mayor), Jennifer McCann MLA (Junior Minister),
Jane Craven (Chairperson, Whiterock Children’s Centre)